Repository suite_qiime
Name: suite_qiime
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: QIIME to perform microbial community analysis
"QIIME: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
QIIME is an open-source bioinformatics pipeline for performing microbiome
analysis from raw DNA sequencing data"
Content homepage:
Type: repository_suite_definition
Revision: 10:e9c1f0b0a9d9
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 2377
Dependencies of this repository

Repository qiime_make_phylogeny revision f66e778d7e6d owned by iuc
Repository qiime_filter_alignment revision ca44cfeacbe9 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_core_diversity revision 57deb17cadbf owned by iuc
Repository qiime_multiple_join_paired_ends revision 57a2424d0893 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_jackknifed_beta_diversity revision 9d06d3380f1d owned by iuc
Repository qiime_upgma_cluster revision aae131716d22 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_filter_fasta revision 03469c9daff1 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_pick_closed_reference_otus revision 5307c6be95df owned by iuc
Repository qiime_pick_rep_set revision 7cba5f38ec6e owned by iuc
Repository qiime_align_seqs revision e8bb88f051ec owned by iuc
Repository qiime_assign_taxonomy revision 7cebb6ea8c23 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_alpha_rarefaction revision 9023dcdccf72 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_pick_otus revision 241c55a65e1f owned by iuc
Repository qiime_filter_samples_from_otu_table revision f9720c5ea41a owned by iuc
Repository qiime_split_libraries revision 2aca5aae5d10 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_beta_diversity revision b38301bc5335 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_filter_otus_from_otu_table revision 9db0d2cf4451 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_filter_taxa_from_otu_table revision 13ad599d3fe3 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_beta_diversity_through_plots revision 70c4237c3a00 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_pick_open_reference_otus revision be533bd1ad65 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_summarize_taxa_through_plots revision 834ef917138f owned by iuc
Repository qiime_split_libraries_fastq revision c2ffcfff57f6 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_plot_taxa_summary revision ab12aca3ede9 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_summarize_taxa revision f123155af742 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_alpha_diversity revision 1fa3942bec04 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_make_emperor revision 7c4f58fd8386 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_make_otu_heatmap revision 579f42fea99c owned by iuc
Repository qiime_count_seqs revision 448ee8099a65 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_multiple_split_libraries_fastq revision 256fc747d1d8 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_extract_barcodes revision e149f41155e1 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_validate_mapping_file revision d1701fcfd7e5 owned by iuc
Repository qiime_compare_categories revision 951cc7b6fca6 owned by iuc

Metagenomics - Tools enabling the study of metagenomes