1 name: cfsan_snp_pipeline_snp_matrix
2 owner: greg
3 description: Create the SNP matrix containing the consensus base for each of the samples at
4 the positions where high-confidence SNPs were found in any of the samples.
5 long_description: Create the SNP matrix containing the consensus base for each of the samples at
6 the positions where high-confidence SNPs were found in any of the samples. The
7 matrix contains one row per sample and one column per SNP position. Non-SNP
8 positions are not included in the matrix. The matrix is formatted as a fasta
9 file, with each sequence (all of identical length) corresponding to the SNPs
10 in the correspondingly named sequence.
11 categories:
12 - Metagenomics
13 remote_repository_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools/tree/master/snp_pipeline/cfsan_snp_pipeline_snp_matrix
14 homepage_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools
15 type: unrestricted