changeset 5:1e2f57c43854 draft

author johnheap
date Wed, 04 Jul 2018 11:32:31 -0400
parents cfb25df43776
children 7009f696a60a
diffstat 1 files changed, 343 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Jul 04 11:32:31 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 University of Liverpool
+ * Author: John Heap, Computational Biology Facility, UoL
+ * Based on original scripts of Sara Silva Pereira, Institute of Infection and Global Health, UoL
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ """
+import subprocess
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+pList = ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9', 'P10', 'P11', 'P12', 'P13', 'P14', 'P15']
+quietString = "" #"">> Vap_log.txt 2>&1"
+def transcriptMapping(inputname, strain, forwardFN,reverseFN):
+    #where is our Reference data -
+    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    refName = dir_path+"/data/Reference/Tc148" #default
+    if strain == "Tc148":
+        refName = dir_path+"/data/Reference/Tc148"
+    if strain == "IL3000":
+        refName = dir_path+"/data/Reference/IL3000"
+    #argString = "bowtie2 -x Refe4rence/IL3000 -1 data/"+forwardFN+" -2 data/"+reverseFN+" -S "+inputname+".sam"    #>log.txt
+    #argString = "bowtie2 -x Reference/Tc148 -1 data/"+forwardFN+" -2 data/"+reverseFN+" -S "+inputname+".sam"    #>log.txt
+    argString = "bowtie2 -x "+refName+" -1 "+forwardFN+" -2 "+reverseFN+" -S "+inputname+".sam"+quietString    #>log.txt
+    #print(argString)
+    returncode =, shell=True)
+def processSamFiles(inputname):
+    #debug use a mapping sam file we have already found
+    #dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    #bugName = dir_path+"/data/T_Test" #defasult
+    cur_path = os.getcwd()
+    samName = cur_path+"/"+inputname
+    #argString = "samtools view -bS "+bugName+" > "+inputname+".bam"
+    argString = "samtools view -bS "+inputname+".sam > "+samName+".bam"+quietString
+    #print(argString)
+    returncode =, shell=True)
+    #argString = "samtools sort "+bugName+" -o "+inputname+".sorted"
+    argString = "samtools sort "+samName+".bam -o "+samName+".sorted"+quietString
+    #print("argstring = "+argString)
+    returncode =, shell=True)
+    #argString = "samtools index "+bugName+".sorted "+inputname+".sorted.bai"
+    argString = "samtools index "+samName+".sorted "+samName+".sorted.bai"+quietString
+    #print("argstring = " + argString)
+    returncode =, shell=True)
+def transcriptAbundance(inputname, strain):
+    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    refName = dir_path + "/data/Reference/ORFAnnotation.gtf"  # defasult
+    if strain == "Tc148":
+        refName = dir_path + "/data/Reference/ORFAnnotation.gtf"
+    if strain == "IL3000":
+        refName = dir_path + "/data/Reference/IL3000.gtf"
+    #argString = "cufflinks -G Reference/IL3000.gtf -o "+inputname+".cuff -u -p 8 "+inputname+".sorted"
+    #argString = "cufflinks -G Reference/ORFAnnotation.gtf -o "+inputname+".cuff -u -p 8 "+inputname+".sorted"
+    argString = "cufflinks -q -G "+refName+" -o "+inputname+".cuff -u -p 8 "+inputname+".sorted"+quietString
+    returncode =, shell = True)
+def convertToFasta(inputName, strain):  #equivalent to Sara's awk scripte
+    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    refName = dir_path + "/data/Reference/ORFAnnotation.gtf"  # default
+    if strain == "Tc148":
+        refName = dir_path + "/data/Reference/148_prot.fasta"
+    if strain == "IL3000":
+        refName = dir_path + "data/Reference/IL3000_prot.fasta"
+    cuff_df = pd.read_csv(inputName+".cuff/genes.fpkm_tracking", sep='\t')
+    cuff_df = cuff_df[(cuff_df['FPKM'] > 0)]
+    cuff_df.to_csv("cuffTest.csv")
+    gene_id_List = cuff_df['gene_id'].tolist()
+    #print(gene_id_List)
+    #print ("Found from 8880="+str(found))
+    # need to load in IL3000_prot.fasta
+    # for each line with >TcIL3000_1_1940
+    # search within cuff_df[gene_id] for match
+    # add it to the outfile. (need to save it as used by hmmer later
+    number = 0
+    all = 0
+    with open(inputName+"_6frame.fas", 'w') as outfile:
+        ref = open(refName,'r')
+        #ref = open(r"Reference/IL3000_prot.fasta",'r')
+        n = 0
+        line = ref.readline()
+        while line:
+            if line[0] == '>':
+                all = all+1
+                ln = line[1:]   #remove >
+                ln = ln.rstrip()     #remove /n /r etc
+                #print (ln)
+                if ln in gene_id_List:
+                    number = number+1
+                    outfile.write(line)
+                    line = ref.readline()
+                    if line:
+                        while line[0] != '>':
+                            outfile.write(line)
+                            line=ref.readline()
+                else:
+                    line = ref.readline()
+            else:
+                line =ref.readline()
+    ref.close()
+    print(str(len(gene_id_List))+":"+str(number)+" from "+str(all))
+    return cuff_df
+def HMMerMotifSearch(name, strain, cuff_df):
+    motifs = ['1', '2a', '2b', '3', '4a', '4b', '4c', '5', '6', '7', '8a', '8b', '9a', '9b',
+              '9c', '10a', '10b', '11a', '11b', '12', '13a', '13b', '13c', '13d', '14', '15a', '15b', '15c']
+    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    phylopath = dir_path + "/data/Motifs/Phylotype"
+    lineCounts = []
+    compoundList = []
+    for m in motifs:
+        argString = "hmmsearch "+phylopath + m + ".hmm " + name + "_6frame.fas > Phy" + m + ".out"
+        print(argString)
+, shell=True)
+        hmmResult = open("Phy" + m + ".out", 'r')
+        regex = r"Tc148[0-9]{1,8}"
+        if strain == "Tc148":
+            regex = r"Tc148[0-9]{1,8}"
+        if strain == "IL3000":
+            regex = r"TcIL3000_[0-9]{1,4}_[0-9]{1,5}"
+        n = 0
+        outList = []
+        for line in hmmResult:
+            m =, line)
+            if m:
+                outList.append(""
+                n += 1
+            if"inclusion", line):
+                print("inclusion threshold reached")
+                break
+        compoundList.append(outList)
+        lineCounts.append(n)
+        hmmResult.close()
+    #print(lineCounts)
+    #print(cuff_df)
+    concatGroups = [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3]
+    countList = []
+    weightList = []
+    countIndex = 0
+    totalCount = 0
+    totalWeigth = 0
+    for c in concatGroups:
+        a = []
+        weight = []
+        for n in range(0, c):
+            a = a + compoundList.pop(0)
+        t = set(a)
+        countList.append(len(t))
+        wa = 0
+        for w in t:
+            wt = cuff_df.loc[cuff_df['gene_id'] == w, 'FPKM'].iloc[0]
+            #print(w)
+            #print(wt)
+            wa = wa+wt
+        weightList.append(wa)
+        totalWeigth+=wa
+        totalCount += len(t)
+    countList.append(totalCount)
+    weightList.append(totalWeigth)
+    #print(countList)
+    #print("--------")
+    #print(weightList)
+    #print("--------")
+    return countList,weightList
+def relativeFrequencyTable(countList, name, htmlresource):
+    relFreqList = []
+    c = float(countList[15])
+    for i in range(0, 15):
+        relFreqList.append(countList[i] / c)
+    data = {'Phylotype': pList, 'Relative Frequency': relFreqList}
+    relFreq_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
+    j_fname = htmlresource+ "/" + name + "_t_relative_frequency.csv"
+    relFreq_df.to_csv(j_fname)
+    return relFreqList  # 0-14 = p1-p15 counts [15] = total counts
+def weightedFrequencyTable(countList, name, htmlresource):
+    relFreqList = []
+    c = float(countList[15])
+    for i in range(0, 15):
+        relFreqList.append(countList[i] / c)
+    data = {'Phylotype': pList, 'Weighted Frequency': relFreqList}
+    relFreq_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
+    j_fname = htmlresource+ "/" + name + "_t_weighted_frequency.csv"
+    relFreq_df.to_csv(j_fname)
+    return relFreqList  # 0-14 = p1-p15 counts [15] = total counts
+def createStackedBar(name,freqList,strain,pdf,html_resource):
+    palette = ["#0000ff", "#6495ed", "#00ffff", "#caff70",
+               "#228b22", "#528b8b", "#00ff00", "#a52a2a",
+               "#ff0000", "#ffff00", "#ffa500", "#ff1493",
+               "#9400d3", "#bebebe", "#000000", "#ff00ff"]
+    VAP_148 = [0.072, 0.032, 0.032, 0.004, 0.007,
+               0.005, 0.202, 0.004, 0.006, 0.014,
+               0.130, 0.133, 0.054, 0.039, 0.265]
+    VAP_IL3000 = [0.073, 0.040, 0.049, 0.018, 0.060,
+                  0.055, 0.054, 0.025, 0.012, 0.060,
+                  0.142, 0.100, 0.061, 0.078, 0.172]
+    cmap ='tab20')
+    palette = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)]
+    if strain == "Tc148":
+        VAPtable = VAP_148
+        VAPname='Tc148\nGenome VAP'
+    if strain == "IL3000":
+        VAPtable = VAP_IL3000
+        VAPname= 'IL3000\nGenome VAP'
+    width = 0.35  # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence
+    plots = []
+    fpos = 0
+    vpos = 0
+    for p in range(0, 15):
+        tp =, freqList[p], width, color= palette[p], bottom = fpos)
+        fpos +=freqList[p]
+        tp =, VAPtable[p], width, color= palette[p], bottom = vpos)
+        vpos +=VAPtable[p]
+        plots.append(tp)
+    plt.xticks([0,1],[name,VAPname])
+    plt.legend(plots[::-1],['p15','p14','p13','p12','p11','p10','p9','p8','p7','p6','p5','p4','p3','p2','p1'])
+    title = "Figure Legend: The transcriptomic Variant Antigen Profile of $\itTrypanosoma$ $\itcongolense$ estimated as phylotype " \
+            "proportion adjusted for transcript abundance and the reference genomic Variant Antigen Profile. " \
+            "\nData was produced with the 'Variant Antigen Profiler' (Silva Pereira and Jackson, 2018)."
+    #plt.title(title, wrap="True")
+    #plt.text(-0.2, -0.05, title, va="top", transform=ax.transAxes, wrap="True")
+    plt.text(-0.3, -0.15, title, va="top", wrap="True")
+    plt.tight_layout(pad=1.5)
+    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.3,top=0.99,left=0.125,right=0.9,hspace=0.2,wspace=0.2)
+    plt.savefig(html_resource + "/stackedbar.png")
+    if pdf == 'PDF_Yes':
+        plt.savefig(html_resource + "/stackedbar.pdf")
+def createHTML(name,htmlfn,htmlresource,freqList,weightList):
+    #assumes imgs are heatmap.png, dheatmap.png, vapPCA.png and already in htmlresource
+    htmlString = r"<html><title>T.congolense VAP</title><body><div style='text-align:center'><h2><i>Trypanosoma congolense</i> Variant Antigen Profile</h2><h3>"
+    htmlString += name
+    htmlString += r"<br>Transcriptomic Analysis</h3></p>"
+    htmlString += "<p style = 'margin-left:20%; margin-right:20%'>Table Legend: Variant Antigen Profiles of a transcriptome of <i>Trypanosoma congolense</i> estimated as phylotype proportion. " \
+                  "Weighted frequency refers to the phylotype proportion based transcript abundance. " \
+                  "Data was produced with the 'Variant Antigen Profiler' (Silva Pereira and Jackson, 2018).</p> "
+    htmlString += r"<style> table, th, tr, td {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}</style>"
+    htmlString += r"<table style='width:50%;margin-left:25%;text-align:center'><tr><th>Phylotype</th><th>Relative Frequency</th><th>Weighted Frequency</th></tr>"
+    tabString = ""
+    # flush out table with correct values
+    for i in range(0, 15):
+        f = format(freqList[i], '.4f')
+        w = format(weightList[i], '.4f')
+        tabString += "<tr><td>phy" + str(i + 1) + "</td><td>"  + f + "</td><td>" + w + "</td></tr>"
+    htmlString += tabString + "</table><br><br><br><br><br>"
+    htmlString += r"<p> <h3>Stacked Bar chart of Phylotype Frequency</h3> The 'weighted' relative frequency of each phylotype alongside the VAP of selected strain.</p>"
+    imgString = r"<img src = 'stackedbar.png' alt='Stacked bar chart of phylotype variation' style='max-width:100%'><br><br>"
+    htmlString += imgString
+#    htmlString += r"<p><h3>The Deviation Heat Map and Dendogram</h3>The phylotype variation expressed as the deviation from your sample mean compared to the model dataset</p>"
+#    imgString = r"<img src = 'dheatmap.png' alt='Deviation Heatmap' style='max-width:100%'><br><br>"
+#    htmlString += imgString
+#    htmlString += r"<p><h3>The Variation PCA plot</h3>PCA analysis corresponding to absolute variation. Colour coded according to location</p>"
+#    imgString = r"<img src = 'vapPCA.png' alt='PCA Analysis' style='max-width:100%'><br><br>"
+#    htmlString += imgString + r"</div></body></html>"
+    with open(htmlfn, "w") as htmlfile:
+        htmlfile.write(htmlString)
+#argdict = {'name':2, 'pdfexport': 3, 'strain': 4, 'forward': 5, 'reverse': 6, 'html_file': 7, 'html_resource': 8}
+def transcriptomicProcess(args,dict):
+    transcriptMapping(args[dict['name']], args[dict['strain']], args[dict['forward']], args[dict['reverse']])        #uses bowtie
+    processSamFiles(args[dict['name']])                              #uses samtools
+    transcriptAbundance(args[dict['name']],args[dict['strain']])                          #uses cufflinks -> ?.cuff/*.*
+    cuff_df = convertToFasta(args[dict['name']],args[dict['strain']])
+    countList, weightList = HMMerMotifSearch(args[dict['name']],args[dict['strain']], cuff_df)
+    relFreqList = relativeFrequencyTable(countList,args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_resource']])
+    relWeightList = weightedFrequencyTable(weightList,args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_resource']])
+    createStackedBar(args[dict['name']],relWeightList, args[dict['strain']],args[dict['pdfexport']],args[dict['html_resource']])
+    createHTML(args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_file']],args[dict['html_resource']], relFreqList, relWeightList)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    #print("Commencing Transcript Mapping")
+    #transcriptMapping("T_Test", "Transcripts.1","Transcripts.2")
+    #print("Processimg Sam Files")
+    #processSamFiles("T_Test")
+    #print("Assessing Transcript Abundance")
+    #transcriptAbundance("T_Test")
+    #print ("Converting to Fasta Subset")
+    #cuff_df = convertToFasta("T_Test")
+    #print("Commencing HMMer search")
+    #countList, weightList = HMMerMotifSearch("T_Test",cuff_df)
+    #relativeFrequencyTable(countList,'T_Test')
+    #weightedFrequencyTable(weightList,'T_Test')
+    relFreqList = [0.111842105,0.059210526,0.026315789,0.013157895,
+                   0.006578947,0.013157895,0.032894737,0.019736842,
+                   0.039473684,0.046052632,0.217105263,0.065789474,
+                   0.151315789,0.059210526,0.138157895]
+    relWeightList = [0.07532571,0.05900545,0.009601452,0.042357532,0.01236219,0.001675663,0.04109726,
+                     0.097464248,0.057491666,0.05826875,0.279457473,0.070004772,0.065329007,0.085361298,0.045197529]
+    createStackedBar('T_Test',relWeightList, 'Tc148','PDF_Yes','results')
+    createHTML("t_test","results/t_test.html","results",relFreqList,relWeightList)