Repository 'cutadapt'
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Repository README files - may contain important installation or license information

Galaxy tool definition for cutadapt ( Installation - Tool Shed --------------------------- The recommended way to install cutadapt as a tool in Galaxy is to the use the Galaxy Tool Shed ( This will allow cutadapt to be installed automatically and keep track of older versions of cutadapt and the tool wrapper. Installation - Manual --------------------- 1 - Install the cutadapt package and make sure it is in path for Galaxy 2 - Copy cutadapt.xml to $GALAXY_HOME/tools/cutadapt 3 - Add the tool to the $GALAXY_HOME/tool_conf.xml tool-registry file Optional steps to setup and run Galaxy functional tests 4 - Copy test-data/* to $GALAXY_HOME/test-data/ 5 - Set GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_CONF environment variable to a tool_conf.xml file that contains the tools you want to test. (e.g. 'tool_conf.xml') 6 - $GALAXY_HOME/ -id cutadapt See the Galaxy Wiki for more information: Configuration of Adapters ------------------------- A list of predefined adapters may be specified in the fastx_clipper_sequences.txt file which resides in the tool-data directory underneath the Galaxy root. A sample file is provided. Limitations ----------- Colorspace data support is not implemented Name adapters support is not implemented
Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
cutadapt 1.1 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Remove adapter sequences from Fastq/Fasta 1.1.a any