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Repository sniplay
Name: sniplay
Owner: dereeper
Synopsis: SNiPlay3: a package for exploration and large scale analyses of SNP polymorphisms (filtering, density, vcftools, diversity, linkagedisequilibrium, GWAS) (does not include external tools)
SNiPlay3: a package for exploration and large scale analyses of SNP polymorphisms (filtering, density, vcftools, diversity, linkagedisequilibrium, GWAS) (does not include external tools)
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 15:31c23d943c29
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1234

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Calculate SNP densities along chromosome from a VCF input 2.0.0 16.01
Midpoint rooting of newick tree 2.0.0 16.01
Calculates various diversity indexes with EggLib 2.0.0 16.01
Converts a hapmap file into MLMM input files 2.0.0 16.01
Get Haplotypes From Phased VCF 2.0.0 16.01
Convert PED file to Fasta File 2.0.0 16.01
Convert ped to bed 2.0.0 16.01
Get annotation fromi a VCF file annotated by snpeff 2.0.0 16.01
Checks concordance between input files for GWAS analysis 2.0.0 16.01
Convert VCF to Hapmap 2.0.0 16.01
IBS matrix / multi-dimensional scaling 2.0.0 16.01

Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA