Repository megablast_wrapper
Owner: devteam
Synopsis: Megablast compare short reads against htgs, nt, and wgs databases
This tool runs megablast function of BLAST+ blastn tool - a high
performance nucleotide local aligner developed by Webb Miller and colleagues.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:fb2e0e1dac89
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 3122
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_blast_plus_2_2_26 revision 85e43fb3f363 owned by devteam
Repository package_bx_python_0_7 revision 2d0c08728bca owned by devteam

Name Version Type
blast+ 2.2.26+ package
bx-python 0.7.1 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
compare short reads against htgs, nt, and wgs databases 1.2.0 any