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Repository sharplabtool
Name: sharplabtool
Owner: xuebing
Synopsis: sharplabtool
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 2:c2a356708570
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1398

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
using FIMO 1.0.0 any
converter 1.1.0 any
FASTA alignment by species 0.0.0 any
converts tabular file to FASTA format 1.1.0 any
1.1 any
1.0.0 any
for multiple series and graph types 1.0.1 any
of two numeric columns 1.0.0 any
for multiple columns 1.0.0 any
of quality statistics 1.0.0 any
of a numeric column 1.0.3 any
converter 1.0.0 any
expander 1.0.0 any
lines that match an expression 1.0.1 any
of a dataset 1.0.0 any
of selected columns 1.0.0 any
from a file 1.0.0 any
delimiters to TAB 1.0.0 any
Converts an AXT formatted file to a concatenated FASTA alignment 1.0.0 any
converter 1.0.1 any
between two datasets 1.0.0 any
Converts an AXT formatted file to FASTA format 1.0.0 any
a column from one Query against another Query 1.0.0 any
converter 1.0.0 any
consecutive characters 1.0.0 any
occurrences of each record 1.0.0 any
leading or trailing characters 0.0.1 any
tail-to-head 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
converter 1.0.0 any
converter 2.0.0 any
to find common or distinct rows 1.0.2 any
two files side by side 1.0.0 any
side by side on a specified field 2.0.2 any
Parse a UCSC Gene Table dump 1.0.0 any
together 1.0.1 any
of a file 1.0.0 any
expander 1.0.0 any
converter 1.1.0 any
Converts a LAV formatted file to BED format 1.0.0 any
lines from a dataset 1.0.0 any
data in ascending or descending order 1.0.1 any
to an existing dataset 1.0.0 any
two datasets a specific column of which has the same value 1.0.0 any
columns from a table 1.0.1 any
Converts an AXT formatted file to LAV format 1.0.0 any
lines from a dataset 1.0.0 any
as a new dataset 1.0.0 any
from GFF data 1.0.0 any
using simple expressions 0.1 any
using simple expressions 0.1 any
0.1 any
in one dataset using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms 1.0.0 any
between two datasets using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms 1.0.0 any
using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms 1.0.0 any
between two datasets using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms 1.0.0 any
between two datasets using Discrete Wavelet Transfoms 1.0.0 any
- Multiple Em for Motif Elicitation 1.0.0 any
Velvet sequence assembler for very short reads 1.0.0 any
Prepare a dataset for the Velvet velvetg Assembler 1.0.0 any
in data validation 1.0.0 any
filter markers, subjects 1.0.0 any
and comparisons with HapMap data 0.3 any
for testing 1.0.0 any
for family data 1.0.0 any
genotypes from genomic region 1.0.0 any
filter high LD pairs - decrease redundancy 1.0.0 any
multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins 0.1 any
Pairwise Allele Sharing 1.0.0 any
for unrelated subjects 1.0.0 any
for p values from an analysis 1.0.0 any
generator for fasta (eg Clustal alignments) 0.4 any
from linkage format to SNPTEST Marchini files 1.0.0 any
Plots for WGA P values 1.0.3 any
Marker and Subject measures 1.0.0 any
for testing 0.02 any
for genotype data 0.2 any
using FastQC from Babraham 0.1 any
PCA Ancestry using SNP 1.0.0 any
region or rs list 1.0.0 any
for SOLiD data 1.0.0 any
for SOLiD data 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.1 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.1.0 any
1.0.0 any
compare assembled transcripts to a reference annotation and track Cufflinks transcripts across multiple experiments 0.0.5 any
using tracking file 0.1 any
De novo assembly of RNA-Seq data 0.0.1 any
transcript assembly and FPKM (RPKM) estimates for RNA-Seq data 0.0.5 any
find significant changes in transcript expression, splicing, and promoter use 0.0.5 any
LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm 1.0.0 any
significant single- and multi-locus SNP associations in case-control studies 1.0.0 any
significant SNPs in case-control data 1.0.0 any
analysis of chemicals, diseases, or genes 1.0.0 any
significant single-SNP associations in case-control studies 1.0.0 any
linkage disequilibrium and tag SNPs 1.0.0 any
visualization of genomic data with the Hilbert curve 1.0.0 any
functional annotation for a list of genes 1.0.0 any
significant transcription factor binding sites from ChIP data 1.0.0 any
Bayesian genetic variant detector 0.5.0 any
tools for functional profiling of gene lists 1.0.0 any
an interval file 1.0.0 any
SOLiD output to fastq 1.0.0 any
converts SOLiD data to FASTQ data 1.0.0 any
converts any FASTQ to Sanger 1.0.0 any
converts between FASTQ data and other data formats 1.0.0 any
on a BED file 1.0.1 any
on GeneTrack index 1.0.0 any
0.2.0 any
for targeted resequencing data 0.01 any
0.2.0 any
0.2.0 any
0.01 any
for paired data 0.2.0 any
for PAIRED data 0.3.0 any
0.01 any
0.01 any
converts BAM format to SAM format 1.0.3 any
provides simple stats on BAM files 1.0.0 any
on coverage and SNPs 1.0.2 any
condenses pileup format into ranges of bases 1.0.0 any
on bitwise flag values 1.0.0 any
to interval 1.0.1 any
merges BAM files together 1.1.2 any
records from a file 1.0.0 any
with sorting and clustering) 1.0.0 any
distribution 1.0.0 any
using max entropy model 1.0.0 any
converter and read extender 1.0.0 any
average interval coverage 1.0.0 any
convert SRA to FASTQ 1.0.0 any
using FIMO 1.0.0 any
preserving mono-nucleotide frequency 1.0.0 any
from BED or BAM 1.0.0 any
lines 1.0.0 any
from summary counts 1.0.0 any
of DNA sequence 1.0.0 any
between two files of genomic intervals 1.0.0 any
preserving dinucleotide frequency 1.0.0 any
of numeric columns 1.0.0 any
of MEME motif 1.0.0 any
features 1.0.0 any
to ucsc 1.0.0 any
short motif discovery 1.0.0 any
of DNA/RNA sequences 1.0.0 any
find closest features 1.0.0 any
for intervals 1.0.0 any
intersect two interval sets 1.0.0 any
convert FIMO output to BED 1.0.0 any
of UTR coverage 1.0.0 any
using FIMO 1.0.0 any
from fasta file 1.0.0 any
files 1.0.0 any
a interval file by chr and start 1.0.0 any
weight chromosome by length 1.0.0 any
from one sequence 1.0.0 any
of a file 1.0.0 any
intervals 1.0.0 any
motif discovery 1.0.0 any
of align output 1.0.0 any
features 1.0.0 any
chromosome not weighted by length 1.0.0 any
intervals 1.0.0 any
of two interval sets 1.0.0 any
convert BED or GFF or VCF to BAM 1.0.0 any
plot of multiple numeric columns 1.0.0 any
from bigwig 1.0.0 any
plot and correlation 1.0.0 any
of two interval lists 1.0.0 any
phastCons or phyloP,vertebrate30way 1.0.0 any
around interval center 1.0.0 any
from bigwig (allow extension) 1.0.0 any
remove off-chromosome lines 1.0.0 any
plot of two columns from two files 1.0.0 any
plot of two columns 1.0.0 any
and prediction with EpiGRAPH 1.0.0 any
and prediction with EpiGRAPH Test 1.0.0 any
Statistical approach for the Identification of ChIP-Enriched Regions 0.0.1 any
Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq 1.0.1 any
Calculate common measures of assembly quality 1.0.0 any
Produce filtered reads from a set of PacBio primary analysis outputs. 1.0.0 any
Assemble contigs from a set of contigs and PacBio reads. 1.0.0 any
Short-read de Bruijn assembly 1.0.0 any
Short-read de novo assembly 1.0.0 any
Quality-aware error correction for paired-end reads 1.0.0 any
Quality-aware error correction 1.0.0 any
on paired end reads 1.0.0 any
reads on various attributes 1.0.1 any
on paired end reads 1.1 any
converter 1.0.0 any
reads by quality score and length 1.0.0 any
by column 1.0.0 any
on joined paired end reads 1.0.0 any
by column 1.0.0 any
by quality score 1.0.0 any
into FASTQ 1.0.1 any
converter 1.1.0 any
by sliding window 1.0.0 any
convert between various FASTQ quality formats 1.0.4 any
converter 1.0.0 any
on paired end reads 1.1 any
1.0.0 any
from pair-wise alignments 1.0.0 any
from a chromosome indels file 1.0.0 any
based on multiple simultaneous tests p-values 1.0.1 any
2.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
from pairwise alignments 1.0.0 any
motif by motif 1.0.0 any
for non-coding regions 1.0.0 any
for different categories and different criteria 1.0.0 any
and causal mutational mechanisms from previously identified orthologous microsatellite sets 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
satisfying criteria 1.0.0 any
from MAF file 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
in indel flanking regions 1.0.0 any
1.0.1 any
from 3-way alignments 1.0.3 any
1.0.0 any
by specified attributes 1.1.0 any
from pairwise alignments 1.0.0 any
based on quality scores 1.0.1 any
for 3-way alignments 1.0.0 any
for multiple (>2) species alignments 1.0.1 any
Linear Discriminant Analysis 1.0.1 any
data on any column using simple expressions 1.1.0 any
on "Perform LDA" output 1.0.1 any
between any two numeric columns 1.0.0 any
for any numerical column 1.1.0 any
converter 1.0.0 any
for numeric columns 1.0.0 any
0.1 any
an expression on every row 1.1.0 any
in polymorphism datasets 1.0.0 any
data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns. 2.0.0 any
for using PC and LDA 1.0.0 any
Calculates DNA RNA/DNA melting temperature 5.0.0 any
Replace or delete sequence sections 5.0.0 any
Displays protein hydropathy of a set of sequences 5.0.0 any
Looks for tandem repeats in a nucleotide sequence 5.0.0 any
Align EST and genomic DNA sequences 5.0.0 any
Report nucleic acid binding motifs 5.0.0 any
Protein pattern search 5.0.0 any
Finds siRNA duplexes in mRNA 5.0.0 any
Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences 5.0.0 any
Plot quality of conservation of a sequence alignment 5.0.0 any
CAI codon adaptation index 5.0.0 any
Report CpG rich areas 5.0.0 any
Displays proteins as a helical net 5.0.0 any
Removes a specified section from a sequence 5.0.0 any
Predicts potentially antigenic regions of a protein sequence, using the method of Kolaskar and Tongaonkar. 5.0.0 any
Displays a thresholded dotplot of two sequences 5.0.0 any
Show features of a sequence 5.0.0 any
Search a protein sequence with a motif 5.0.0 any
Displays some simple information about sequences 5.0.0 any
Wobble base plot 5.0.0 any
Protein charge plot 5.0.0 any
Plot CpG rich areas 5.0.0 any
Bending and curvature plot in B-DNA 5.0.0 any
Regular expression search of a protein sequence 5.0.0 any
Calculates the isoelectric point of a protein 5.0.0 any
Insert one sequence into another 5.0.0 any
Align nucleic coding regions given the aligned proteins 5.0.0 any
Protein proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage digest 5.0.0 any
Display a DNA sequence with 6-frame translation and ORFs 5.0.0 any
Find protein sequence regions with a biased composition 5.0.0 any
Extract features from a sequence 5.0.0 any
All-against-all comparison of a set of sequences 5.0.0 any
Finds the best local alignments between two sequences 5.0.0 any
Codon usage table comparison 5.0.0 any
Back translate a protein sequence 5.0.0 any
Nucleic acid pattern search 5.0.1 any
Extract regions from a sequence 5.0.0 any
Create a codon usage table 5.0.0 any
Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing 5.0.0 any
Reads and writes sequences 5.0.0 any
Displays all-against-all dotplots of a set of sequences 5.0.0 any
Finds DNA inverted repeats 5.0.0 any
Translate nucleic acid sequences 5.0.0 any
Count composition of dimer/trimer/etc words in a sequence 5.0.0 any
Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences 5.0.0 any
Find differences between nearly identical sequences 5.0.0 any
Shuffles a set of sequences maintaining composition 5.0.0 any
Writes one sequence from a multiple set of sequences 5.0.0 any
Mask off features of a sequence 5.0.0 any
Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences 5.0.0 any
Codon usage statistics 5.0.0 any
Displays protein hydropathy 5.0.0 any
Plots isochores in large DNA sequences 5.0.0 any
Reports STOP codons and ORF statistics of a protein 5.0.0 any
Exclude a set of sequences and write out the remaining ones 5.0.0 any
Finds tandem repeats 5.0.0 any
Reports all CpG rich regions 5.0.0 any
Create a chaos game representation plot for a sequence 5.0.0 any
Non-overlapping wordmatch dotplot of two sequences 5.0.0 any
Alter the name or description of a sequence 5.0.0 any
Split a sequence into (overlapping) smaller sequences 5.0.0 any
Smith-Waterman local alignment 5.0.0 any
Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites 5.0.0 any
Mask off regions of a sequence 5.0.0 any
Mutate sequence beyond all recognition 5.0.0 any
Displays membrane spanning regions 5.0.0 any
Looks for inverted repeats in a nucleotide sequence 5.0.0 any
Synonymous codon usage Gribskov statistic plot 5.0.0 any
Reads sequence fragments and builds one sequence 5.0.0 any
Draws linear maps of DNA constructs 5.0.0 any
Predicts protein secondary structure 5.0.0 any
Predicts coiled coil regions 5.0.0 any
Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! 5.0.0 any
Output sequence with translated ranges 5.0.0 any
Calculates fractional GC content of nucleic acid sequences 5.0.0 any
CAI codon adaptation index using custom codon usage file 5.0.0 any
Shows protein sequences as helices 5.0.0 any
Merge two overlapping nucleic acid sequences 5.0.0 any
Displays a wordmatch dotplot of two sequences 5.0.0 any
Displays protein hydropathy 5.0.0 any
Extract CDS, mRNA and translations from feature tables 5.0.0 any
Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel 5.0.0 any
Finds all exact matches of a given size between 2 sequences 5.0.0 any
Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) 5.0.0 any
Residue/base frequency table or plot 5.0.0 any
Regular expression search of a nucleotide sequence 5.0.0 any
Fickett TESTCODE statistic to identify protein-coding DNA 5.0.0 any
Reports CpG rich region 5.0.0 any
Protein pattern search after translation 5.0.0 any
Needleman-Wunsch global alignment 5.0.0 any
Merge two large overlapping nucleic acid sequences 5.0.0 any
Trim ambiguous bits off the ends of sequences 5.0.0 any
Removes carriage return from ASCII files 5.0.0 any
Searches DNA sequences for matches with primer pairs 5.0.0 any
Counts words of a specified size in a DNA sequence 5.0.0 any
Draws circular maps of DNA constructs 5.0.0 any
Type in a short new sequence 5.0.0 any
Plot potential open reading frames 5.0.0 any
Calculates the twisting in a B-DNA sequence 5.0.0 any
Reverse and complement a sequence 5.0.0 any
Removes gap characters from sequences 5.0.0 any
Match large sequences against one or more other sequences 5.0.0 any
Reads and writes sequences, skipping first few 5.0.0 any
Hydrophobic moment calculation 5.0.0 any
Reports protein signal cleavage sites 5.0.0 any
Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences 5.0.0 any
Protein statistics 5.0.0 any
Builder 1.0.0 any
Estimation 1.0.0 any
Estimation 1.0.0 any
reads from a specified region 1.0.0 any
a VCF file 1.0.0 any
Generate the intersection of two VCF files 1.0.0 any
a VCF file (dbSNP, hapmap) 1.0.0 any
- perform local realignment 0.0.1 any
Convert BLAST XML output to tabular 0.0.8 any
for UCSC genome browser 1.0.0 any
Pairwise Alignment Viewer 1.0.0 any
Multiple Alignment Viewer 2.0.1 any
1.0.0 any
with SNPs 1.0.0 any
for Solexa file 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
for SAM 1.0.0 any
for combining indel interval data 1.0.0 any
from SAM 1.0.0 any
using coordinates from assembled/unassembled genomes 2.2.2 any
(PSU prepared queries) 1.0.0 any
stored locally 1.0.0 any
table browser 1.0.0 any
Central server 1.0.1 any
1.0.0 any
HapMap Biomart 0.0.01 any
from your computer 1.1.3 any
server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
rice mart 1.0.1 any
server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
Central server 1.0.1 any
test server 1.0.0 any
Human Hemoglobin Variants and Thalassemias 1.0.0 any
at NHGRI 1.0.0 any
test server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
browser 1.0.0 any
table browser 1.0.0 any
creates a bed or xbed file containing from text query 1.0.0 any
echoes parameters 1.0.0 any
table browser 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
Test server 1.0.1 any
server 1.0.0 any
table browser proxy 1.0.0 any
table browser 1.0.0 any
table browser proxy 1.0.0 any
server 1.0.0 any
convert BED or GFF or VCF to BAM 1.0.0 any
Converts a MAF formatted file to the Interval format 1.0.0 any
Converts a MAF formatted file to FASTA format 1.0.1 any
given a set of block numbers and a MAF file 1.0.1 any
by Size 1.0.1 any
by specified attributes 1.0.1 any
by Species 1.0.0 any
by Species 1.0.0 any
Converts a MAF formatted file to the BED format 1.0.0 any
by Species 1.0.0 any
for display at UCSC 1.0.0 any
a MAF file 1.0.1 any
text 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
columns from files 1.0.0 any
two files 1.0.0 any
by word list 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
of a file 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
in wiggle format 1.0.0 any
to Nucleotides 1.0.0 any
reads mapping against reference sequence 1.0.0 any
compare sequencing reads against UCSC genome builds 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
extracts sequences and quality scores from FASTQSOLEXA data 1.0.0 any
the percentage of reads supporting each nucleotide at each location 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
of high quality score reads 1.0.0 any
reads mapping against reference sequence 1.0.0 any
as UCSC custom track 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.2 any
the intervals of two datasets 1.0.0 any
of a set of intervals on second set of intervals 1.0.0 any
1.1.0 any
on tables 1.0.0 any
for every interval 4.0.1 any
the overlapping intervals of a dataset 1.0.0 any
of all intervals 1.0.0 any
returns flanking region/s for every gene 1.0.0 any
two datasets into one dataset 1.0.0 any
the intervals of two datasets side-by-side 1.0.0 any
the intervals of a dataset 1.0.0 any
the intervals of two datasets 1.0.0 any
intervals of a dataset 1.0.0 any
from another dataset 1.0.0 any
converter 1.0.0 any
sequences 1.0.0 any
formatter 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.2 any
1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any


Genomic Interval Operations - Tools for operating on genomic intervals