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Repository qiime2_wrappers
Synopsis: These wrappers were developed by Florian Begusch as part of his internship at Medical University of Graz, Center for Medical Research. (, | He would like to give his thanks 1) to Marija Durdevic for support on wrapper development and testing. 2) to Slave Trajanoski, who explained general metagenomics terminology and Galaxy ( 3) to Alexander Mahnert, who provided data and was a key figure while testing some of the more exotic qiime commands.
These wrappers were developed by Florian Begusch as part of his internship at Medical University of Graz, Center for Medical Research. (,

He would like to give his thanks
1) to Marija Durdevic for support on wrapper development and testing.

2) to Slave Trajanoski, who explained general metagenomics terminology and Galaxy (

3) to Alexander Mahnert, who provided data and was a key figure while testing some of the more exotic qiime commands.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 4:71f124e02000
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 234

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
- Alpha rarefaction curves 2019.4 16.01
- Simplicial Linear mixed effects regression 2019.4 16.01
- Isometric Log-ratio Transform applied to a hierarchical clustering 2019.4 16.01
- Generate interactive volatility plot 2019.4 16.01
- adonis PERMANOVA test for beta group significance 2019.4 16.01
- Deblur sequences using a 16S positive filter. 2019.4 16.01
- bioenv 2019.4 16.01
- Principal Coordinate Analysis 2019.4 16.01
- Dendrogram heatmap. 2019.4 16.01
- Beta diversity group significance 2019.4 16.01
- Alpha diversity comparisons 2019.4 16.01
- Construct a phylogenetic tree with IQ-TREE. 2019.4 16.01
- Convert to relative frequencies 2019.4 16.01
- Filter features from table 2019.4 16.01
- Microbial maturity index prediction. 2019.4 16.01
- Filter samples from table 2019.4 16.01
- Summarize table 2019.4 16.01
- Alpha diversity 2019.4 16.01
- Dereplicate sequences. 2019.4 16.01
- Denoise and dereplicate single-end pyrosequences 2019.4 16.01
- Paired pairwise distance testing and boxplots 2019.4 16.01
- Demultiplex paired-end sequence data with barcodes in- sequence. 2019.4 16.01
- Beta diversity 2019.4 16.01
- Simplicial Ordinary Least Squares Regression 2019.4 16.01
- Add pseudocount to table 2019.4 16.01
- Generate a heatmap representation of a feature table 2019.4 16.01
- Quality filter based on sequence quality scores. 2019.4 16.01
- Find and remove adapters in demultiplexed single-end sequences. 2019.4 16.01
- Train and test a cross-validated supervised learning classifier. 2019.4 16.01
- Assigns ids on internal nodes in the tree, and makes sure that they are consistent with the table columns. 2019.4 16.01
- Principal Coordinate Analysis Biplot 2019.4 16.01
- Core diversity metrics (non-phylogenetic) 2019.4 16.01
- Filter features from sequences 2019.4 16.01
- Use trained classifier to predict target values for new samples. 2019.4 16.01
- Visualize and Interact with Principal Coordinates Analysis Biplot 2019.4 16.01
- Alpha diversity correlation 2019.4 16.01
- Plot longitudinal feature volatility and importances 2019.4 16.01
- Split a feature table into training and testing sets. 2019.4 16.01
- Identify core features in table 2019.4 16.01
- Export data from a QIIME 2 Artifact or Visualization. 2019.4 16.01
- Fit a supervised learning classifier. 2019.4 16.01
- Generate heatmap of important features. 2019.4 16.01
- Compute first differences or difference from baseline between sequential states 2019.4 16.01
- Summarize counts per sample. 2019.4 16.01
- De novo multiple sequence alignment with MAFFT 2019.4 16.01
- Isometric Log-ratio Transform applied to a phylogenetic tree 2019.4 16.01
- Visualize and Interact with a procrustes plot 2019.4 16.01
- Apply ANCOM to identify features that differ in abundance. 2019.4 16.01
- Hierarchical clustering using gradient information. 2019.4 16.01
- Compare query (observed) vs. reference (expected) sequences. 2019.4 16.01
- Export data from a QIIME 2 Artifact or Visualization. 2019.4 16.01
- Remove features from table if they're not present in tree. 2019.4 16.01
- Evaluate expected vs. observed taxonomic assignments 2019.4 16.01
- Export data from a QIIME 2 Artifact or Visualization. 2019.4 16.01
- Summarize parameter and feature extraction information for a trained estimator. 2019.4 16.01
- Run k-nearest-neighbors on a labeled distance matrix. 2019.4 16.01
- Combine multiple tables 2019.4 16.01
- Construct a phylogenetic tree with bootstrap supports using RAxML. 2019.4 16.01
- Join paired-end reads. 2019.4 16.01
- Paired difference testing and boxplots 2019.4 16.01
- Nested cross-validated supervised learning classifier. 2019.4 16.01
- Nested cross-validated supervised learning regressor. 2019.4 16.01
- Beta diversity (phylogenetic) 2019.4 16.01
- Demultiplex single-end sequence data with barcodes in- sequence. 2019.4 16.01
- Nonparametric microbial interdependence test 2019.4 16.01
- Convert to presence/absence 2019.4 16.01
- Closed-reference clustering of features. 2019.4 16.01
- Rarefy table 2019.4 16.01
- De novo chimera filtering with vsearch. 2019.4 16.01
- ANOVA test 2019.4 16.01
- Visualize and Interact with Principal Coordinates Analysis Plots 2019.4 16.01
- Evaluate expected vs. observed taxonomic composition of samples 2019.4 16.01
- Visualize Deblur stats per sample. 2019.4 16.01
- Insert fragment sequences using SEPP into reference phylogenies like Greengenes 13_8 2019.4 16.01
- Subsample paired-end sequences without replacement. 2019.4 16.01
- De novo clustering of features. 2019.4 16.01
- Transpose a feature table. 2019.4 16.01
- Combine collections of feature sequences 2019.4 16.01
- Combine collections of feature taxonomies 2019.4 16.01
- Demultiplex paired-end sequence data generated with the EMP protocol. 2019.4 16.01
- Open-reference clustering of features. 2019.4 16.01
- Fit a supervised learning regressor. 2019.4 16.01
- Positional conservation and gap filtering. 2019.4 16.01
- Construct a phylogenetic tree with IQ-TREE with bootstrap supports. 2019.4 16.01
- Subsample single-end sequences without replacement. 2019.4 16.01
- Beta diversity correlation 2019.4 16.01
- Construct a phylogenetic tree with RAxML. 2019.4 16.01
- Import data into a new QIIME 2 Artifact. 2019.4 16.01
- Denoise and dereplicate paired-end sequences 2019.4 16.01
- Group samples or features by a metadata column 2019.4 16.01
- Find and remove adapters in demultiplexed paired-end sequences. 2019.4 16.01
- Denoise and dereplicate single-end sequences 2019.4 16.01
- Train and test a cross-validated supervised learning regressor. 2019.4 16.01
- Create a distance matrix from a numeric Metadata column 2019.4 16.01
- Filter fragments in tree from table. 2019.4 16.01
- Core diversity metrics (phylogenetic and non- phylogenetic) 2019.4 16.01
- Beta diversity rarefaction 2019.4 16.01
- Hierarchical clustering using feature correlation. 2019.4 16.01
- Compute first distances or distance from baseline between sequential states 2019.4 16.01
- Convert (and merge) positive numeric metadata (in)to feature table. 2019.4 16.01
- Midpoint root an unrooted phylogenetic tree. 2019.4 16.01
- Deblur sequences using a user-specified positive filter. 2019.4 16.01
- Procrustes Analysis 2019.4 16.01
- Reference-based chimera filtering with vsearch. 2019.4 16.01
- Interactively explore Metadata in an HTML table 2019.4 16.01
- Subsample table 2019.4 16.01
- Make 2D scatterplot and linear regression of regressor predictions. 2019.4 16.01
- Merge features and taxonomy into a single biom file. 2019.4 16.01
- Exclude sequences by alignment 2019.4 16.01
- Make a confusion matrix from sample classifier predictions. 2019.4 16.01
- View sequence associated with each feature 2019.4 16.01
- Filter samples from a distance matrix. 2019.4 16.01
- Construct a phylogenetic tree with FastTree. 2019.4 16.01
- Apply the Mantel test to two distance matrices 2019.4 16.01
- Use trained regressor to predict target values for new samples. 2019.4 16.01
- Alpha diversity (phylogenetic) 2019.4 16.01
- Feature volatility analysis 2019.4 16.01
- Build a phylogenetic tree using fasttree and mafft alignment 2019.4 16.01
- Quality filter based on joined sequence quality scores. 2019.4 16.01
- Linear mixed effects modeling 2019.4 16.01
- Demultiplex sequence data generated with the EMP protocol. 2019.4 16.01
- Alpha diversity (phylogenetic) - alternative implementation 2019.7 16.01
- Filter samples out of demultiplexed data. 2019.7 16.01
- ALPHA Hybrid classifier: VSEARCH exact match + sklearn classifier 2019.7 16.01


Metagenomics - Tools enabling the study of metagenomes